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New year’s CBTp resolutions!

Writer's picture: Sally Riggs, DClinPsySally Riggs, DClinPsy

As we close the chapter on 2019 and look ahead to a fresh new year, everyone is reflecting on accomplishments and making resolutions. And we at NACBTpN are no different. As president of the network, trained in the UK where CBTp is commonplace, sometimes it is very tempting for me to want to make progress in the US at break-neck speed in order to make up for lost time. People with psychosis are so important to me and advocacy and access to gold-standard treatment such a passion that sometimes I forgot how much we have achieved and am dissatisfied that its not enough! For this reason its extra important for me to reflect at this time of year. And sharing this reflection with you seemed equally relevant. What have we achieved as a network in 2019? We opened a bank account and figured out a way to take dues electronically through our website (no mean feat for a small group of non-technologically minded psychologists!) We now officially have 81 members. We have fine tuned our competence standards for Full CBTp, and made considerable progress in terms of our discussions about competence in CBTp informed interventions and Group CBTp. We have developed and updated our website, which has seen an increase in site traffic. As a group we have presented upwards of 33 multi-day workshops, 27 conference panel presentations, and 53 didactics or other general information sessions about CBTp throughout the year. Also many of our founding members including steering committee members were actively involved in ground breaking meetings with SAMHSA about the future of CBTp in the US. Given that this time last year we had only just officially launched I would say these are huge steps forward in our mission. So what can we do better in 2020? This Blog for starters! It was our intention to post every quarter, so far we have posted yearly…but our fabulous webmaster Sarah Kopelovich has some ideas for how to increase our posting frequency. Also if anyone would like to write a guest post we welcome contributions! We can also swell our member numbers and that starts with you. Are you a member? If not perhaps you might consider joining. If yes then perhaps you might consider sharing info about us with (a) colleague(s) who might be interested in joining. Membership dues allow up to keep this website going, and provide the resources necessary to disseminate info on training and accreditation throughout North America. Finally we have also recently started discussions with a credentialing body and hope to bring accreditation to North American within the next couple of years, so watch this space – more awesome things coming up right this way! Wishing you all a Happy New Year and much strength and resilience in all your CBTp related endeavors in 2020! Best, Sally

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